Pratyahara - The 5th limb of Yoga


Pratyahara means withdrawal of the senses. To do this we need to know where it is we can withdraw to.  Pratyahara is the doorway between the external and internal worlds. This is an important aspect of Yoga where we move from the external world of the senses to the internal world of the self.

When we withdraw from the strong pull of the senses, we can then discover the inner world of the Self.

We practice Pratyahara in many ways. (key words are absorbed/focused)

  • When we become totally absorbed in Asana. Instead of thinking about the physical attributes of the posture, move inwards to experience the pose from within.

  • When we move into deep relaxation in Yoga Nidra. Even if the room is a little chilly or there are distracting sounds around you, don’t be disturbed by this sense stimuli.

  • When we become focused on the breath in Pranayama. Move from the physical sensation of the breath to the connection with the internal energy of the breath.

  • When we remain focused on mantra in Japa meditation. Instead of listening to the sound and focusing on the words, begin to feel the calming sensation of the vibration within the body.

We create an environment where the mind is so absorbed in an activity that the senses no longer respond to other objects.

Pratyahara is a state that can occur spontaneously if we create the right environment.   When we achieve Pratyahara, the senses are at the service of the mind, not the other way round, where we are dragged between emotional responses due to our focus on the senses.


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