Yoga and Habit Stacking

First of all, what is Habit Stacking? Essentially it is the grouping together of small activities into a routine which you link to a habit already set in your day. It could be a set habit like when your alarm goes off or your early morning coffee. Your commute to work or your walk to the train station. Before you start on the Habit Stacking journey, think of an overall goal that you would like to achieve. 

You are not having to change your existing habits but merely adding a new behaviour to those that already exist. This makes it easier to remember the new habit you are trying to develop.

So you may have the habit already of having a coffee just before you leave for work. You could then add to this habit by laying your Yoga outfit on your bed, ready for when you come home. In winter you might take your coat and shoes off inside the front door. How about adding to that habit by leaving your Yoga mat there ready to grab and head straight to Yoga class.

If you can’t fit in attending a Yoga class, or in between classes, think about stacking some quick Yoga stretches/postures into your day by stacking on to things you do regularly. Try a standing balance whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. 

You may experience anxiety so adding a new habit of a breathing exercise, or Pranayama, to your existing routine could help. Take a few minutes sitting comfortably and perform a breath exercise after your existing habit of doing your hair in the morning. Maybe develop some Mindfulness by adding this to the habit of getting dressed in the morning and dressing slowly and with complete focus on your actions. Mindfulness practice calms the mind, and slows breathing and heart rate. 

Once you have established your new habit you can move on and add another.

So, after doing your hair and practising a few minutes of Pranayama, you might begin to add a couple of energising Yoga stretches. Remember lots of little steps can create big changes over time.


What Is A Yoga Retreat?


Pratyahara - The 5th limb of Yoga